12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Белова Светлана Сергеевна8516
Россия, Ярославская обл.
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя английского языка»

Name: ___________________________________________________ ___

Class:___________________ Date:_______________________________

TEST 1 (MODULE 4) Mark________ (101)


A. Match English words with their Russian equivalents.

1. brush teeth                         a завтракать

2. play sports                          b. заниматься спортом

3. go to bed                            c. чистить зубы

4. go to school                        d. иметь занятия в школе

5. have breakfast                    e. обедать

6. have dinner                         f. ходить в школу

7. have lessons at school           g. в полдень

8. at noon                               h. ложиться спать

Points: _______ (8)

B. Guess the words.

1) b_ _ _ _ _ (скучный)
2) g_ _ _ _ (прекрасный)
3) p_ _ _ _ _ _ (идеальный)

4) a_ _ _ _ (ужасный)
5) i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (интересный)

Points: _______ (10)

C. Choose the odd one out.

pizza-spaghetti- chicken- skiing

sometimes- rarely- breakfast-seldom

breakfast- dinner- often- lunch

football- basketball- rugby- sitcom

sitcom- thriller- counting- drama

Points: _______ (5)


D. Write the third person singular.

1. I swim- she__________________

2. I study- he___________________

3. I wish – she__________________

4. I teach – he__________________

5. I stay- she___________________

Points: _______ (10)

E. Put the words in the correct order.

never/ Sam/ school/ goes/to. -_____________________________________

friend/ my/ reads/always/ a lot. -___________________________________

usually/ pupils/ do/ homework/ the/ their/ home/ at. -_____________________________________________________________

friends/ my/ often/ time/ spend/ free/their/ together.-_____________________________________________________________

sometimes/ am/ I/ very/ sad.-______________________________________

Points: _______ (10)

Everyday English

F. Put the sentences in the correct order to continue the dialogue.

1. Hi, Diana, it’s Sam. How are you?
2. Fine. Are you free tomorrow to help me with my homework?
3. Hello?
4. Sounds great. Thank you.
5. Yeah, I’d love to.
6. Fine, and you?


Points: _______ (12)

G. Answer the following questions.

What’s your name?______________________________________________

How do you spell your name?____________________________________

How old are you?_______________________________________________

What is your favourite kind of sport?_______________________________

What is your favourite food?______________________________________

What do you like to do in the morning?_____________________________

With whom do you usually spend your weekends?_____________________

What is your favourite drink?____________________________________

Points: _______ (16)


H. Read the text and mark the statements True T). False (F), Not Stated (NS).

Winston Churchill got up at 7:30 and stayed in bed until 11:00, then he ate breakfast, read several newspapers, the mail and dictated to his secretaries. When he finally got out of bed, he took a bath, took a walk around the garden, and then settled in to work, At 1 00 p. m, he joined guests and family for a three-course lunch. Lunch lasted until 3:30, after which he returned to his study to work, or supervised work on his estate, or played cards or backgammon with his wife Clementine. At 5:00 he napped for an hour and a half, took a bath again and got ready for dinner. Dinner was the highlight of his day, with much socializing, that sometimes went past midnight. Table talk, dominated by Churchill, was as important as the meal. After his guests loft, he worked for another hour or so before going to bed.
1. Winston Churchill preferred early breakfast. 2. Winston Churchill was a famous politician. 3. After a walk Churchill sat down to work. 4. At lunch Churchill's family often had guests. 5. Lunch usually lasted two hours and a half. 6. After lunch Churchill had a walk and played tennis. 7. Churchill played different games with his wife. 8. During the daytime Churchill had a sleep. 9. Churchill preferred to go to bed early. 10. Churchill liked socializing and was a good talker.

Points: _______ (10)


Listen to the text and mark the statements True T). False (F), Not Stated (NS).

1. At the age of 18 Australian teens have all the rights of a grown-up person.

2.  In Australia children go to school at five.

3. Australian students choose all the subjects they like to study.

4. All students must study Maths and English.

5. Distance education is quite popular.

Points: _______ (10)


J. You've got an e-mail from your English pen friend. Write him a letter about your favourite TV programmes, how you spend your free time. Write 50-60 words.

Points: _______ (10)



Teenage Life in Australia

Australians consider the ages of 12 to 17 as teenagers. After leaving school and turning 18 an Australian is an adult. Australians have a 13-year schooling system with a pre-school year. Students start primary school when they turn six and continue for seven years. High school begins in year 8 and continues through to year 12. The school year begins in January and ends in November or December when summer begins in Australia. Each school decides how many subjects a student can take, somewhere between five and seven. English and Mathematics are compulsory. Students choose the subjects that will continue until graduation. Distance education can be arranged. Students living on the islands do all their schooling through distance education. Every school has a school uniform. Most uniforms are similar and differ in colour.

Опубликовано в группе «Учителя английского языка»

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